• Question: Do you find that being a Scientist is a demanding profession? Is it less/more than you had originally anticipated?

    Asked by jessicadove to Anouk, Chris, Judith, Leisha, Seyyed on 18 Jun 2012.
    • Photo: Judith Sleeman

      Judith Sleeman answered on 18 Jun 2012:

      It can be demanding: I often find I have lots of different things that I need to get done and not enough time to do them all properly so prioritizing things can be a challenge. Sometimes, for example, I have to give a slightly ropey lecture because I didn’t have time to prepare properly as I was in the lab doing experiments! There are many different jobs within science though, and I’m sure each has its own different challenges.

      I’m not sure I really had a strong idea of what being ‘a scientist’ would be like so it’s hard to say if it has met my expectations. I’m certainly rarely bored in my job and I’m very lucky to be able to say that! I don’t think I would want to make any major changes.

    • Photo: Chris Kettle

      Chris Kettle answered on 19 Jun 2012:

      Very demanding indeed. I only work 9-5 but there are extra exams and courses to prepare for so I can end up working outside these times quite a lot. But I love it and couldn’t imagine being stuck in a boring job! So demanding but rewarding
