• Question: do you spend all your time doing scientific work?

    Asked by lanacrow20 to Seyyed on 14 Jun 2012.
    • Photo: Seyyed Shah

      Seyyed Shah answered on 14 Jun 2012:

      Hello there.

      Well, most of the day is taken up with work. I normally work nine till five, and sometimes I work longer depending on the experiment. At work, I also do some teaching. I teach university students by giving lectures and tutorials.

      When I’m not at work, I like to read. I enjoy reading about history, biographies and murder mysteries like Agatha Christie novels. I also like watching star trek on TV.

      I travel to work and back on the train. I am using the time I have on the train to write a novel of my own on the computer.

      Being a scientist can be tiring, so I like to keep fit and exercise regularly. My favourite hobbies are going for long walks in the countryside and cooking for guests. I also occasionally do some gardening.
