• Question: If climate change continues, how long do you think it will take for animals in the polar regions to adapt to the temperature?

    Asked by georginawhoisawesome to Anouk, Chris, Judith, Leisha, Seyyed on 15 Jun 2012.
    • Photo: Judith Sleeman

      Judith Sleeman answered on 15 Jun 2012:

      Maybe it’s more a question of whether they will manage it at all? It’s certainly a race against time for them to adapt rather than die as the speed of evolution is pretty slow. Can I recommend a radio programme to you to answer your question properly?

      Jim al-Khalili’s ‘The Life Scientific’ where he interviewed Lloyd Peck from the British Antarctic Survey. Hopefully this link will work, if not, you’ll find it on the radio 4 website ‘listen again’ thing.


    • Photo: Chris Kettle

      Chris Kettle answered on 19 Jun 2012:

      I don’t think life will adapt that quickly and they’ll ie out. Youll only see polar bears and pug is in the zoos in 20 years time!
