• Question: If humans only use 10% of their brain, what is the other 90% doing?

    Asked by lilygrainger to Anouk, Chris, Judith, Leisha, Seyyed on 12 Jun 2012.
    • Photo: Chris Kettle

      Chris Kettle answered on 12 Jun 2012:

      Sci fi would have you believe it’s for psychic abilities but in reality no one knows. Maybe it’s left overs from our evolutionary history- things that were once required and are not any more. The other 90% of my brain is thinking about football this week

    • Photo: Judith Sleeman

      Judith Sleeman answered on 12 Jun 2012:

      Actually, I’m not convinced we do only use 10%. I think we use different parts for different things at different times. We probably only understand about 10% of what the brain does, but I’ve always wondered how we can manage to understand how the brain works completely by using just that same brain as a tool…

      Preparing to be shot down by the brain-biologists out there!
